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What’s the Haemorrhoids ?


"Haemorrhoids" are commonly referred to abnormal or symptomatic haemorrhoidal venous cushions, which are a part of supporting structures of anal canal. Haemorrhoidal venous cushions consist of abundant blood vessels covered by anal canal lining, and they are present in healthy individuals. Haemorrhoidal cushions start at mid-portion of the anal canal, and it cannot be seen or felt in healthy individuals .



What Causes Haemorrhoids ?


When haemorrhoid venous cushions expose to increasing internal pressure of the anal canal for a period of time, haemorrhoid cushions become enlarged and bludged through the anus. It is called internal haemorrhoid. The common reasons that can lead to increasing internal anal pressure are


  • Straining at bowel action

  • Prolonged sitting on the toilet bowl

  • Chronic constipation

  • Pregnancy


 The aging process itself can weaken the supporting tissue of the haemorrhoidal cushion, and it can potentially lead to prolapsed haemorrhoids.

The enlarged internal haemorrhoids may stretch the anal skin, this is called external haemorrhoid.

What are the symptoms?



This is the most common symptom of haemorrhoids. The fresh blood is usually seen on the toilet paper, and the blood may drip or spray into the toilet bowl. Some serious conditions, such as cancer or inflamed bowel, can also cause similar symptom. Therefore it is safer to consult your GP or a colorectal surgeon to confirm the diagnosis for you. You should NOT assume the bleeding is always due to haemorrhoids.


Lumps and Pain


Prolapsed haemorrhoids can occur during a bowel action, and it causes sensation of painless external lumps. Prolapsed haemorrhoids usually return into the anal canal after a bowel action and this discomforted feeling disappears soon after a motion. However, severe prolapsed haemorrhoids that does not spontaneously return into anal canal may require further treatment. Occasionally, prolapsed or swollen haemorrhoids can be associated with sudden onset of severe pain. In this situation, urgent medical treatment is warranted.




This common symptom is due to mucus discharge causing dermatitis.

How are haemorrhoids treated?

It is A MUST to seek medical advice early before treating symptomatic haemorrhoids. Your GP or a colorectal surgeon will have to confirm the diagnosis of symptomatic haemorrhoids and exclude other serious conditions, such as cancer or inflamed bowel.


Life-Style Modification


Mild and infrequent symptoms may not require any surgery. The symptoms usually improves by avoiding straining on a bowel action, prolonged sitting on the toilet bowl, and constipation. Drinking sufficient fluid a day, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly can also reduce the risk of constipation. Local ointments or enemas sometimes help to relief the symptoms.


Procedural Treatment


Dr Yeh is specialised in managing symptomatic haemorrhoids. There are a lot of options available.


  • Injection

  • Rubber band ligation

  • Conventional Haemorrhoidectomy with or without Harmonic Scalpel

  • Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy


Dr Yeh evaluates your haemorrhoid symptoms, pre-existing medical conditions, and social circumstance, then he can provide a tailored treatment option for your need.

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